Breaking News!!! The CEO/ Cliqq Magazine, Mr Jamil Mabai Will Be Charged To Court For Alleged Defamation Of Character By The General Public In Katsina State

The Chief Executive Officer, Cliqq Magazine Mr Jamil Ismail Mabai will faced trial for Alleged Defamation of character and causing Tension and distress among the people in Katsina state.

 Mr Mabai who have develop the habit of making false publication with intent to cause fear and alarm to the public will be charge to the court of law by the Patriotic Citizens In Katsina State who have shown dissatisfaction with the way Cliqq Magazine is going by.

The Statement came shortly after a Public Hearing which took place Yesterday where the patriotic citizens Orders Mr Jamil To come open with a clear Statement As regards the "Masari Coffin saga"
which was in circulation within the state but fails to comply after 24hrs.

The General are here by taking Mr Mabai to the court for legal actions to be taken against him.


  1. it is obvious this blog was created by one of Masari's paid "goons" madam Maryam or whatever you call yourself.. Show us your face.. stop hiding behind a "faceless blog" to post rubbish..
    How much were you paid?...

    Please visit my blog :

  2. This Blog lacks Credibility due to No Contact Us Page, No address, No telephone Number, No Email address, No certificate of CAC of blog name, in fact this was created a few month ago. For clarity Cliqq Magazine has never published a story of that nature! Jamil mabai has no ownership of the magazine, he posted that on his timeline not on cliqq Magazine. Cliqq Magazine is Bigger than Jamilu Mabai and his views expressed on his timeline does not represent in any way the views of cliqq MNagazine. So on behalf of the Management of Cliqq Magazine, we urge the owner of this Blog to withdraw this post or remove wherever Cliqq Magazine appears to be in this post. otherwise we will have No option than to follow all the legal processes involved. Thank You. Signed By Cliqq Magazine Management

    1. I am agree with your ideas.

  3. Replies
    1. great joke .

  4. My Face or my biography is not for any one of you to see as it's my personal view.


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